blu like water: the water of thermal springs, recreational pools, thalassotherapic sea
blu like mental balance, interior peacefulness, relaxation, in one word psychophysical wellness.
blu like the 5th chakra’s colour – the throath – it represents communication, creativity and truthfulness.
BLU COMMUNICATION Why we chose to communicate with creativity and honesty the ever growing world of wellness tourism
Our experience in the specific niche of wellness and tourism is at your serice to provide the best possibile communcation strategy to deliver results within your budget.
Professionalism, reliability and quality are the keys we use to open the doors of an effective and transparent communication both with our clients and with the press.
CONSULTANCY: With our professionalism and experience we can provide the right materials for each Media; we also select the most suitable media target and plan the communication timing so that it fits perfectly with the editorial unit needs. Our constant and personal contact with every journalist assures the effectiveness of the communication.
THE STRATEGY: The strategy is carefully planned with the client to grant them the highest possible visibility both in print and on the internet. Our deep knowledge of the italian media outlets and our constant contact with editorial units and specialized freelancers has constantly increased our clients’ trust in our services.
EDITORIALS : Blu Communication is pecialized in every editorial aspect of the press office: from press releases to press to press kits but also speeches, web content management, videos, newsletters, house organs, brochures and social media management (Fb, Twitter, Linkedin…)
EVENTS: Blu Communication organizes press conferences, workshops, round tables, conventions, press previews, product presentations, press trips and more with the support of specialized professionals to ensure the best results.